When you decide to invest with Alterfin, you hold one or more shares in Alterfin’s capital. This entitles you to financial benefits and to take part in the decision-making process at the Annual General Meeting.
As an individual, you can buy “B” shares in Alterfin, which cost 62.50 euros each. There are no entry or exit fees. Subject to certain conditions, these shares give you the right to:
As a legal entity, you can buy “A” shares in Alterfin, which cost 250 euros each. There are no entry or exit fees. Subject to certain conditions, these shares give you the right to:
As an individual, when you invest in a recognized development fund like Alterfin, you are entitled to a tax deduction. In other words, if you meet the requirements for this deduction, the tax authorities will deduct 5% of the amount you have invested in the past year from your overall tax bill.
This tax deduction is subject to several conditions:
As of January 2025, the tax benefits will, in all likelihood, remain in effect for investments made during the year due to the fact that we are a development fund.
The Belgian government has announced that the benefit will only be discontinued in 2026. While its abolition was included in the coalition agreement signed on January 31 2025, no bill has been submitted yet. The tax reform must still go through the usual parliamentary procedure, including a vote.
In the meantime, the current legislation remains in effect.
We will keep our co-op members informed of any changes based on confirmed information.
Every year, Alterfin presents its annual accounts at its Annual General Meeting, which you can attend as a co-op member.
Depending on the profits made, the Annual General Meeting can decide whether or not to pay a dividend. As a co-op member, you can vote on this decision. For 21 out of 22 years. Alterfin has been able to distribute a dividend to its co-op members.
Your dividend amount is calculated based on the number of days you held your Alterfin shares during the year in question.
For instance: you subscribed to Alterfin shares on 1 April 2023. These shares will entitle you to 75% of the dividend for 2023, because you’ve held the shares for three quarters of that year. If you hold these shares for all of 2024, you’ll be entitled to 100% of the dividend for that year.
You don’t have to do anything. The dividend amount is decided at the Annual General Meeting. The maximum dividend that can be distributed is 6% of the nominal value of the shares. Alterfin calculates the amount you’re entitled to and pays it into your individual Alterfin account, after deducting the withholding tax.
You can then choose one of three options:
Here are the dividends that have been paid annually by Alterfin:
As an individual, you’re entitled to a tax break on all your investments in shares. This takes the form of an exemption from the withholding tax. In other words, you can claim back the withholding tax deducted from your first 833 euros of dividends.
The exemption relates to the withholding tax levied on the first 833 euros of dividends (amount for 2024) for all shares.
For example, you’ve received a net dividend of 833 euros for your investment in Alterfin.
In addition to the possibility to reclaim the withholding tax levied on your dividends, you are also entitled to a reduced rate of withholding tax. If you hold your Alterfin shares for several years, the reduced rate can be 15% or 20% (instead of 30%), depending on how long you have them in your possession.
This reduction applies to natural and legal persons residing in Belgium. It applies to Alterfin shares acquired after 1 July 2013.
You simply need to have held your shares for more than a year after the year in which you invested. In short:
- The year you invest: 30% withholding tax
- The second year you hold shares: 30% withholding tax
- From the third year you hold shares: 20% withholding tax
- From the fourth year you hold shares: 15% withholding tax
For example: you invested in Alterfin shares in 2020. The withholding tax will be:
- 30% on your dividends in 2021
- 30% on your dividends in 2022
- 20% on your dividends in 2023
- 15% on your dividends in 2024
You don’t have to do anything. Alterfin will calculate the amount of the withholding tax based on your individual circumstances. You’ll find the details of the calculation on the dividend certificate that we’ll send you annually in June.
Investing in cooperative shares at Alterfin involves certain risks. Investors are exposed to the risk of losing all or part of the investment. Before buying shares, potential investors should carefully read the information note.
If you want to stop investing in Alterfin, you can request a total or partial refund of your shares during the first sixmonths of the year.
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